Over 1,000 Games
1,000 Games - Disk 2.iso
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| This VENDINFO Product Information File contains both readable text |
| and tools-accessible data about a product. See the last text |
| section, below, for more information about VENDINFO and its tools. |
VENDINFO standard v1.04, produced by VendEdit v1.30, 15-Jan-1996
===== Product Information ==============================
Product: GeoUSA Educational Geography Program
Version: 2.0
Version Date: 1-Feb-1996
Product Type: Software
Basic Distribution Policy (see License, below, for details):
Shareware, freely distributable by all channels
Product Description: GeoUSA 2.0 <ASP> An educational Windows
program intended for grade school children to
adults. It tests / teaches U.S. geography in
an entirely visual way. Learn about state
locations, capital cities, state birds,
flowers, nicknames and lakes and rivers
simply by clicking the mouse. No typing is
required. Registered users receive a FREE
copy of GeoEurope. $20.
Reason for version: Additional Features
Category: Education; Geography
Keywords: geousa geography educational windows home
Required Packages: GeoUSA
This Package: GEOUSA
Registration Fee: 20.00 (U.S.)
Required Configuration
Processor Family: Intel 80x86 (minimum 80386)
Clock Speed: 16 MHz
Minimum OS: Windows 3.1
Standard RAM: 4K
Hard Drive Space: 4000K
Video Graphics Array (VGA)
Address: On-Target Software
P.O. Box 17355
Irvine, CA 92714
Phone: (415) 474-9973
FAX: (415) 474-9307
Internet: mrusso@ix.netcom.com
Address: On-Target Software
P.O. Box 17355
Irvine, CA 92714
Phone: (415) 474-9973
FAX: (415) 474-9307
Internet: mrusso@ix.netcom.com
===== Information for Users ("READ-ME") ================
On-Target Software ┌─────┴───┐ │ (tm)
──│ │o │──────────────────
│ ┌─────┴╨──┐ │ Association of
│ │ │─┘ Shareware
└───│ o │ Professionals
──────│ ║ │────────────────────
└────╨────┘ MEMBER
This program is produced by a member of the Association of Shareware
Professionals (ASP). ASP wants to make sure that the shareware principle
works for you. If you are unable to resolve a shareware-related problem
with an ASP member by contacting the member directly, ASP may be able to
help. The ASP Ombudsman can help you resolve a dispute or problem with an
ASP member, but does not provide technical support for members'
products. Please write to the ASP Ombudsman at P.O. Box 5786, Bellevue,
WA 98006 or send a CompuServe message via easyplex to ASP Ombudsman
Registration Information
GeoUSA is a copyrighted program protected by both U.S. and international
copyright law. You are authorized to use it without charge for a
limited period of time (30 days). After this time, you must register and
pay for GeoUSA if you wish to continue using it. This method of
distribution is known as shareware. It allows you to determine whether
GeoUSA meets your needs before you pay for it.
Upon registration you will recieve:
o A disk with the latest version of GeoUSA
o A free copy of GeoEurope
If you wish to purchase GeoUSA, fill out this form and mail to On-Target
with your payment.
Registration Form for GeoUSA V2.0
Return to: On-Target Software
P.O. BOX 17355
Irvine, CA 92714
Quantity Price
GeoUSA $20.00 ________ ________
GeoEurope free
Total enclosed ________
Terms: All payments must be in U.S. funds.
Phone: (415)474-9973
Name _______________________________________________________
Company _______________________________________________________
Address _______________________________________________________
Phone ___________________ Email ____________________________
Where did you get GeoUSA?_______________________________________
Comments or suggestions_________________________________________
===== Packing List =====================================
As released by the author or publisher, this package contained the
following files in addition to this VENDINFO.DIZ:
Filename Size Date Time CRC32
FILE_ID.DIZ 378 15-Jan-1996 10:25p CC373F74
BWCC.DLL 164928 15-Jan-1996 10:25p 0BF3C1D9
SETUP.EXE 359647 15-Jan-1996 10:47p 9B2F7C1E
GEOUSA.EX_ 710911 15-Jan-1996 10:25p E1174945
GEOUSA.HL_ 3731 15-Jan-1996 10:25p C99DCD53
SETUP.INF 120 15-Jan-1996 10:25p FB1E9B2E
README.TXT 2879 15-Jan-1996 10:25p 681FC177
===== Installation =====================================
Run setup.exe
===== About VENDINFO Files =============================
Each VENDINFO.DIZ file contains extensive information about a product.
This "human-readable" section is followed by a compressed data record
useable by automated tools. The data record allows BBSes and other
distributors to automate package handling, and provides users with a
wealth of product information. VENDINFO tools (free viewer for users,
free or inexpensive processors for distributors, editors for authors)
are available from many sources, including the originators of VENDINFO:
Rams' Island Software Voice: 303-841-2848 CompuServe: 76244,324
7644 E. Lakecliff Way BBS: 303-841-6269 FidoNet: 1:104/333
Parker, CO 80134-5904 USA FAX: 303-841-6269 RIME: 1235
===== Compressed Data Record Follows ===================